• Homes The median price for a house on the Garden Island which hit a million dollars in January remained so at the end of the first quarter .   The dis...

  • Kauai Homes Market Report January 2021 After recently completing a report on the 2020 Kauai real estate market, I had not planned on writing another r...

  • Home Sales on Kauai The year ended quite strong for home sales on Kauai.   The overall number of homes sold island wide was down by 8%, however, dolla...

  • It all started when I was chatting with a friend who told me that a home inspector she knows had mentioned doing “a bunch of sight-unseen” home inspec...

  • Here are some of the major things to consider before buying a condominium unit: DECLARATION, BYLAWS & HOUSE RULES – The Declaration, By-laws...

  • WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW IF YOU PLAN TO VISIT THE NORTH SHORE OF KAUA’I FROM HANALEI TO HA’ENA In 2018, between April 14 and 15th, a record 49.69 inches ...